It’s hard to grasp what I can take away from sifting through pages and pages of medical records. I had questions, but they remain unanswered. It was not what I expected.
After reading through a seemingly endless list of tumors (and the damages caused by the tumor), a trip to church was warranted. I listened and waited for understanding. I got nothing of the sort… or did I?
When I think, or perhaps meditate on it, there was one take-away message from today’s service. Having searched the records, I believe I have come to a point where the only answer is this: it’s now time to search my heart for forgiveness.
I’m not expecting to forget, but I do think that by forgiving, I will be better able to get on with my journey.
I am a firm believer that forgiveness will set you free. Anger and resentment are toxic and they poison with a slow burn. I’m sorry you didn’t get any answers (these things are so very complicated) but glad that you are resolving to let go. Not an easy journey but a good one.
Hugs, strength and faith to you, my friend.