Early in the year, I laid out my training schedule for BSIM as a training race or “fun run.” Basically, I set out to train well enough to not suffer horribly on race day but with gumby-like flexibility in the plan to allow for my busy life. No pressure to BQ, no time goals, just enjoy the beauty that is Big Sur.
Then, life began to place hurdles in the way of my training. I began wondering if I was running enough to even meet the goal of a finish in Big Sur. I somehow found ways to make time for at least the long runs. And still I dream of finishing the race with my BQ in-hand. That’s just me. I have to dream.
Just as in Steinbeck’s Mice and Men, dreams are often just that. You can lay out a plan to achieve your dream but the dream may or may not come true. That never stopped me from trying though.
Although I realize the ugliness that making a BQ attempt on this course could result in, if by some miracle race day showed signs of the best of all worlds, I’d certainly give it a go. I will toe the line open to all possible scenarios and let the day play out as it will.
That said, “the plan” I laid out calls for 20 miles this weekend. For some reason, I figured that I could settle back into an easy weekend and do 20 next weekend. But as I flip the calendar over to April, I can clearly see that my taper is set to begin following this weekend and I do not ever mess with the 3 week taper.
So, I guess you know what I’ll be doing on Friday. I’ll be making “good” on my plans and going long.
Yep it is time for that last 20, I know the feeling. With the long runs in hand, you might be surprised with the endurance you’ll carry in. It is possible.
I rarely treat a race as a “training” race. I just like to give it my all and see what happens. I also don’t like to preordain the results. You never know. I might be feeling like superman that morning :-) Have a go! and have fun!!
Agree Wes, no such thing as a training race! …..or Superwoman.
I believe the saying goes “Impossible is Nothing.”