I couldn’t remember the last time I ran. Then, as I wiggled my foot against the bed linens, my ankle reminded me. The last time that I ran, I’d twisted my ankle and fell down. That put an end to any hope of finishing the Napa Marathon. The ankle is still tenuous, but doing much better.
I haven’t just been sitting on my butt though. This week, I’ve been getting out at lunchtime to do some brisk walking. It feels good to move and my ankle is handling it fairly well.
I’ve also been taking out my aggressions on BoBo’s punching bag. After all, if 1/2 of my garage (slight exaggeration) is going to be taken over by the beastly object, it might as well be put to use. So YaYa and I have been taking turns beating up on the thing.
It’s not much, but the physical activity is doing a lot of good.