Recently, when I suggested to YaYa that we go to church, he hemmed and hawed. “All they do is stand up, sit down, and say things that I don’t understand,” he complained. I completely understood what he meant as that was my experience growing up with the Catholic Church. I find that I am just as lost in the church these days as I ever was. It’s a comfortable “lost” but lost nonetheless.
Sadly, we have failed to give our children a strong base from which to grow their belief in God. In our resistance to passing on the “lost” feeling, we have set our children on a path with no tools for finding their way at all. I want to begin to change that in the coming year – for my children as well as for me.
Although, Catholicism is my background, it is Christianity that I want my kids to know. We have recently been trying on a new church. YaYa seems happy with his service geared specifically to children. I, myself, have enjoyed the teachings, but I have also found the experience quite an emotional one.
This new year symbolizes a new beginning for me. It is a chance to create the new life that I have been yearning for. I have been realizing that I have been waiting for it to happen to me rather than making steps to achieve it for myself. I now know that I must stop waiting and begin an active search.