As you may have guessed (by the lack of content in my recent posts), there is a lot going on behind the scene. There is much that could be said about the process, but I am choosing to keep a little privacy going. Let me just suffice to say that the “terrible twos” are NOT the most difficult of times for the parent-child relationship. These days are forcing me to show my love in a different way. It is a time of self discovery; a time where I am learning more about strength and endurance than ever before.
I feel relieved this week. Perhaps it is the break from the rain; a bit of sunshine is always a reason to smile. I feel stronger, more level headed, and confident. It feels as if my load has been lightened. If only a little lighter, it is still quite noticeable. Still, I wonder why my jaw feels as if I’ve spent the night with clenched teeth. I suppose it is because common sense tells me that the fight has only just begun.
When in doubt, resort to violence :-) OK. I’m kidding. I think I get what you are referring to though :-) I have boyz…
Hang in there Juls.
In my house with boys we call it the dark years; the dark years last from between 13 to 25 or somewhere in between. The good news is that they do eventually emerge, you just can’t predict if it will occur at the age of 16 or 23!
Yes, they really DO come back, and you’re not the dorky parent they once claimed you to be. ;) They do appreciate you.
Tough love, Mama – it pays off!
Hi Juls, thanks for visiting my blog. My posting and visiting has been so sporadic the past few months. I was thinking of you just the other day, though, wondering how you are. One of these days I’ll drive to the peninsula to go shopping and maybe you can meet me. There are no department stores here!
one day they will be gone, so for now just hold on for the wildest ride of your life.
You will soon realize that (even though it seems so unfair) we pour everything we are into them which actually enables them to go off to start their own lives.
motherhood, it’s bitter-sweet.
praying 4 U
In my experience with our sons, 3 and 13 were tough with both, and 17 was tough with our oldest. Luckily, they were pretty easy going the other years.
In the meantime, you might want to get a night guard for those teeth!
Hang in there. I have a 15 and a 17 year old. If I survive it will be a miracle.