I discovered a few things about myself in the short time that I was on my blogging leave (or sabbatical). I discovered just how much I thrive on communication. There is a level of feeling connected to a greater whole that I have been missing.
After Tom died, I tried to fill my emptiness with, what appeared to be a means of gaining this feeling of being connected. I joined several social networks (My Space, Facebook, & Twitter) and then waited for the feeling of belonging to magically appear. It works for my son, so why not me.
Well, that feeling never came. Instead of feeling like I fit in, I felt more like a high school student that has not been included in the clique of popular girls. Recently, I have been laughing at myself – out loud even. I have since remembered that in high school, I was never a part of the popular girls because I was different. I was one of the jocks, and proud of it.
More than feeling like I didn’t belong, the social networks also made me feel vulnerable. While I easily made the decision to take leave from this blog, after having my words appear on another site (without adequate credit), I remained on these networks. The feeling of alienation grew, because it is YOU that I feel connected to and it is HERE that I get that acceptance.
I began to rethink my leave. I also re-thought my membership on the social networks. I then deactivated those accounts.
I cannot say how often I will blog here. My participation in Blog 365 is not important anymore, but my communication to and from you (my friends) IS.
Speaking of friends:
I was really bummed out last October, when I met up with my running friends (virtual and RLFs) at the Nike Woman’s Marathon Expo in San Francisco. I was so bummed, that I swore I would jump on the registration ban wagon as soon as registration opened for this year’s event. Then the email came. I clicked over to the website to read about the new “lottery” approach to registration. My initial, and lingering, thought was, “That SUCKS!” I then boycotted the registration until I found out whom else in my circle of virtual and RLFs (Real Life Friends) was entering the lottery.
Well, I forgot about it, until today, when I discovered that registration for the lottery has been closed. Phooey! Perhaps I should have posed the question earlier, but I was too ticked off to care at the time. Now, any hope of registering has past.
But, I still would like to know:
• Who registered for the lottery?
• Who got into the event?
• Did anyone choose to register as a group?
Welcome Back!
WELCOME BACK!!!!! I missed you!
Welcome back! Are you also back trying for a Boston Qualifier?
San Francisco Marathon in August – If it all comes together I’ll be pacing my son on his first attempt.
You were missed!
Welcome back!!
It’s good to see you back. I’ve been wondering how things are going.
We didn’t try for Nike this year – that was a special trip for us. Got a lot of others on the plate instead.
Yeah! So glad to see you back.