Do you remember me *ever* saying that I really do HATE the chain letter things? They are kind of like the meme’s of email (sort of). The way that many of them differ from the memes (which I don’t hate) is that they generally end with some caution to not break the chain – promising good if you were to act and bad if you do not. That is the part that I hate. I don’t like putting others in the same situation.
Here’s the story. My good friend Rosie just sent me one. It was titled “Just Do It” so I, naturally, figured it had to do with the Nike Women’s 1/2 Marathon. I opened the email, discovered that it was NOT about Nike, and now feel obliged to act. Yes, I am *that* superstitious.
Take this as a warning: the message, which must be delivered to seven people, is on the extended entry of the post. Yes, I am wimping out on selecting seven people in my address book to send this to. This is all that I can muster up. Surely there are seven brave and willing souls that can help a gal out with her karma with God.
• To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did”
• When God takes something from your grasp, He’s not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
• Concentrate on this sentence: The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
• Something good will happen to you today.
• Something that you have been waiting to hear.
• This is not a joke; someone will call you by phone or will speak to you about something that you were waiting to hear.
• Do not break! Send it to a minimum of 7 people……… JUST DO IT!
Note: email is the intended medium
Thank you!
ROFL!! Yea, I’ve asked people not to spam me with these stuff. If it gets too bad, I block all their emails. I am not superstitious. This kind of thing always finds their way into my trash :-)
I’ll accept yours though! but I ain’t forwarding it :-D
A read is a read is a read.
Thanks a bunch Wes!
ok, so for you, I’ll SPAM unsupecting friends & family. Luckily, I have a list of about 10 people I could careless about (spamming) & some are my my send constant “SPAM to” list, for sending me the “do this & your life will be 1 million times better OR ELSE (else=no money for eternity or whatever they email threaten me with).
But, for the sake of karma, I’ll put it in an email get it out to those .,. . . .well, THOSE people.
And the bananas. . . .I soooo wish you would of gotten a picture, I’m laughing imagining my dog doing similar things.
Thanks Jen!
As Wes suggested, I just sent an email to nearly everyone in my address book to let them know my thoughts/feelings on the SPAM/ chain letter thing. I have been hesitant to do this as I really don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I hope it is taken at face value and not any more than that. I love my friends and family dearly.
Oh, that explains why the water was off at the condo after the race. It was those 52 chain emails I broke last week!
LOL. Thanks Michelle!
That is probably the most horrible of horrible chain letters I’ve ever read. These things are evil. Superstition or no I feel it is my civic duty to can them. Be brave! Hit delete next time you get one. I promise you nothing bad will happen that wouldn’t have happened any how. Seriously! I’ve already tested this theory repeatedly and it has yet to fail me.
I do delete them (prior to opening) but once opened I often feel obliged if I get to the part about what I must do or else.
Thanks 21st CM!
Final count at 7:45 PM is 4 that commented. I am going to treat this like I sent it out to 50 or so people and only 4 didn’t delete it. Mission accomplished.