My company’s annual holiday party is tomorrow. Nobody has even asked if I was going to attend…until now.
Although it looks like it will be a grand event, I sheepishly confessed that I probably would not be going. The reason that I gave was that I did not have a sitter lined up yet. The truth is, I haven’t even asked anyone to watch the kids. I just don’t want to go alone.
I feel your pain on that one. For what its worth – you can ask a girl friend to go. I wish I’d thought of that as I passed up parties over the year.
I meant years.. not year.
you should have asked me, I would have loved to go…maybe next year!
I thought of asking lil sis, 21CM, or my brother. Anyhow, since I never got a sitter, I really doesn’t matter any more. It’s really okay. I even might have chanced going alone if it had been closer. But to drive over 45 minutes for a holiday party, alone, at a new company where I don’t know a lot of people seemed pointless. Next year will be a different story.
i know your reason for not going is different than me, but personally? i hate company parties. i’d much rather stay home and read.
but as you no doubt have figured out by now: i’m odd.