I’ve noticed myself becoming out of breath in the short runs around the block. It’s been scary to think that I might not be able to run farther than 1 mile at a time without stopping. It’s been 12 days since my last real run. Nobody is counting, right? Oh yeah, I am. Besides becoming noticeably out of shape in a mere two weeks, I’ve been more irritable as well. It all goes to show that I need my runs.
So, today, I laced up my running shoes for a run without my furry friends. It was humbling, and encouraging at the same time. I also pulled out my 2008 calendar to count the weeks until the Napa Valley Marathon. There are only nine weeks until race day and I am registered. I know that I haven’t mentioned this before. This is probably because the act of registering was impulsive and without forethought. I also should add that I have only the goal of finishing in mind.
Of course, you know me better than that. I can say that I only want to finish the race, but I know that I will want more once the race day arrives. How can you strive towards Boston Qualification (BQ) over and over and then just give up? Well, regardless of what happens in my training, and on race day, do know that I have not given up. I am just planning to scale down my training to allow for my new life’s demands (my new job, bereavement support groups, the puppy, single mommy-hood, etc). I am hoping to be ready to announce my attack race by summer. Until then, I am just trying to keep some sanity going.
My brother tells me that Napa is a great event, and a good event to attempt a BQ. He ran in it a few years ago, but didn’t put in the training for a BQ, but still had a pretty good finish time.
I think we’re all feeling a little off from not getting in enough running over the holidays!
Just so you know, I’m doing Blog 365! I honestly wouldn’t have signed up if you hadn’t suggested it. :) See what a little prodding can do?
Good! Take the pressure off of yourself for this one and see how it goes :-)
I like it.
And I think you should run and blog 365 days!
You’ll be back in shape in 2 weeks, tops.
Maybe I’ll run the 5K! I’m definitely not in shape for a marathon but 5K might be fun.
Sounds great! I already decided I can’t do the 365. I will be reading all of yours though!! :>)
No pressure, right? If the race motivates you — then do it. If it’s too soon, pick a different one. Just don’t risk injury by taking on too many miles too quickly.
Good luck. Wishing you happier miles this year.
I have had the same out-of-breath feeling. After the marathon this fall, it’s defeating. Makes me all the more stressed about it. Was feeling tired, run down, so I needed the break, though. Will feel good when I eventually get back to it, right? :)
I hope things are going better today!