My return to “running” has been slow coming. I’ve been going around referring to my old jog pace as “my new run pace.” In reality, I don’t see me getting a ton faster and that’s got to be okay.
Earlier this week, morning yoga was cancelled (moon day) so I went for a morning run instead. It was surprisingly hot for morning. That, coupled with a long gradual uphill, had me out of breath. It was all I could do not the give up and walk but I kept up my effort.
I held onto my cheery disposition by greeting everyone I passed. It’s thing for me; saying “hello” to others makes my feel like we are together in our struggle in life (err, in our outdoor adventure).
It was mostly hikers on the trail with me, and most people greeted me back, which was especially nice. Then, along came another runner. He seemed to float as he moved towards me, and smiled as he passed. “Keep it up,” he sang, “You’re jogging well.” I waved, smiled, and mused, Jog?, I thought. Doesn’t he know that this is the new run pace? And then I laughed (literally out loud), Who am I fooling? Let’s call a jog a “jog.”
At least for today anyway.
I’m curious: Those of you who are slowing down, do you call your activity a “run” or a “jog.”