Have you ever been so preoccupied that the normal stuff somehow gets forgotten?
It’s sort of like YaYa with his Pokémon DS game. He has been so caught up in finding the Pikachu. I should point out that YaYa’s preoccupation does not mean simply that he cannot put his Nintendo DS down. In fact, he has put it down several times so that he could search the internet for Pokémon game cheats which provide hime with hints on just where he might find Pikachu within his game.
My preoccupation was as innocent as looking for picture frames. The outing was grouped with other errands so as not to waste gas consumption of junk miles.
When I ended up in Aaron Brothers, I discovered the Buy 1 frame, get the 2nd for only 1 cent more sale. Needless to say, I was in the store far too long trying to pick out the right set of frames. Meanwhile, YaYa didn’t notice a thing. He had plopped down beside some 8 x 10’s to continue his search for Pikachu.
MUCH LATER, I left with four lovely picture frames. And as I prepared to drive home, I noticed something odd in my attire. I had been wearing two very DIFFERENT shoes.
You may ask, Why? Well, when we were kids, my Step-father instilled into each of us the dangers of driving with flip-flops. He had been in an accident caused by a sandal mishap which prevented him from being able to stop the vehicle. To this day, I do not allow myself to operate a car without removing the flip-flop from my right foot and replacing it with a stiffer soled shoed with a strap to secure the shoe to my foot.
As YaYa and I had a good laugh, I began to wonder if anyone else had discovered the sight, or were they also too preoccupied to notice.
Tonight, as YaYa and I were heading up to bed, I discovered YaYa’s DS hidden in his pocket. I’d thought that he had finally put it down, but I guess I was wrong. He was caught in the act, but it didn’t phase him. He just looked up at me and smiled widely. "Guess what Mom", he exclaimed, "I caught Pikachu!" And when I gave him a look, he just said, "What?!"
Did anyone give you a funny look in the store?! I won’t drive with high heels for the same reason, but it’s a lot harder to forget you’re wearing two different shoes when one’s flat. Your photo is too funny — you should put it in one of your new frames!
I think you are setting a new fashion trend… but Crocs? Really? LOL!!
I’m not very trendy, but my feet will tolerate crocs. Since these both are crocs the inside feels the same. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice.
Thanks for the laugh. Six year cleantime b-day today. Love you very much!
Tha’s absolutely awesome :) I love it when I get so lost in something that I forget everything else :)
I saw the picture and thought “Oh No! Juls hurt her foot!” I like the real explanation much better – too funny!
That’s hilarious! Thanks for the photographic evidence. Too funny!
This is so funny…I did that when I was very pregnant and wondered all day why people were staring at my shoes however, they weren’t this different. I don’t think I knew about ‘his’ mishap with the flip flop; hmm…
Ha! I’m so glad you took a picture because the visual totally makes this story 100 times better!