The natives (in my head) are growing restless again. This time, I cannot blame it on the Prozac. I have a newly discovered dis-ease called “Restless Mind Syndrome).
RMS causes time tends to slow down when I am at work. I can’t seem to stay focused on any worthwhile activity, so I begin to surf the sites.
It is unfortunate, but RMS appears to have other related symptoms. The usual sites offer nothing to occupy my wandering mind. I still cannot get into reading the blogs, and there are not enough photos being posted today (so much for Best Shot Monday). I have no runs to log, no technorati links to discover, and nobody to chat with. To add to my boredom, my email has been virtually empty since I began my blogging sebatical. It matters NOT how long I stay logged into my g-mail account; it remains empty.
Out of habit, I click over to B’s school site. Since Friday, he is no longer enrolled there. Since yesterday, he no longer lives here. Still, I log into the parent viewer to check his grades one more time. No change for the better to discover. Then, (again out of habit) I click on the attendance link.
I discover that he has been marked him absent today in all of his classes. At least his teachers are consistent. I make a call to the school to be sure that they have dropped him appropriately…
and, I am relieved when nobody asks me why I am still checking the website.