This picture was taken on a sunny day in December. As you can see, there is no snow falling where we live. Our mild California weather is conducive to all sorts of fun activities year-round.
Seeing the boys in the front yard playing football is a sight to be seen. There has been many a day where YaYa’s little buddies will come over to play ball with YaYa and BoBo. With the recent rains, these memories are just a blur. I look forward to more of those days, as well as basketball in the street in the coming months. At least, I hope for this to occur more.
I’ve always liked this photo. I especially love the blur of the Christmas tree.
Speaking of football, I signed YaYa up for Pop Warner Football over the weekend. After a year of resisting, I have finally given in. Perhaps it will encourage BoBo to pick it up again. I have until the fall to prepare myself for it.
I can smell Spring in the air. The xmas tree is so cool.
My little guy already wants to play football. Oh boy!