Perhaps you have heard of the “do not call list.” It is a list that people can add their names and numbers to that theoretically prevents telemarketers from hounding you with their sales pitches. I believe that my name must have been placed on the “do not hesitate to call list.” The reason for this assumption is that my work phone has been ringing off the hook with recruiters’ calls.
Liken to the telemarketers’ calls, my response is the same: I’m NOT interested. As if it was a sales call (which, in a sense, it is) they continue to fish for more information. I just don’t want to get into the details of why a another job change would just be WRONG for me [i.e. new career, too many big life changes, don’t want to lengthen my commute any further, I have an awesome and understanding boss, and I just plain don’t want to].
I could flatter myself by thinking that I have a great reputation and that everyone wants me. Unlike before my career change, where I had been in the role for several years, this time around I know that this just isn’t the case. I’ve only been doing this for 5 months and I am still learning! I have to think that these recruiters get points ($) for resume submission. Well, they aren’t getting mine. I am just NOT interested.
Now, I realize that it would behoove me to be polite and all of that stuff. I do work at a small company that experienced layoffs as recently as last year. These days, you never know when you might have to call upon others for employment opportunities. It is Silicon Valley after all – the land of layoffs and a very high cost of living. So, without sounding as exasperated as I feel, I thank them for their call, hang up, and then voice my complaint. *sigh*
Robert Calvo
General Contractor
Lic. No. 911239
Maybe I should send those recruiters your way bro. Haha. Congrats!