Why is it that everyone else can see when someone is flushing their life down the drain? Why is it, that is, that everyone can see this except the person who is throwing it all away?
Many years ago, I watched my brother ruin his career, his relationships with those that he loved, and essentially everything that was good. He had to fall hard to finally see that he had nothing left. Well, nothing left except for the people who benefited from his addiction to self destruction.
I see someone who is heading down a different, but similar path of ruin. He is successful but can’t see anything but failure. He is loved and valued by many, but tells himself that nobody cares if he lives or dies. He feels insignificant in the contributions that he has made to the world, and yet he has helped many overcome unemployment and escape homelessness.
How can it be that two people can view the world completely different? One sees doom when the look at the rain clouds while the other sees the opportunity for curling up by the fireplace to good company.
It’s too easy to get down on yourself for the goals that you didn’t succeed in. Don’t do that. It is easy to come down on yourself for failure. It is more difficult to find the good, but it is worth the effort. I have run 10 marathons and still have not qualified to run in the Boston Marathon. I have trained hard for these marathons, suffered in the races, and emerged a stronger person. I will try again. That is a success, not a failure, in my book.
Look in the mirror and see past the things that you have not accomplished, see the successes that you have created. We all can benefit from doing this once in a while.
That old saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” Some people get into a cycle of self inflicted depression. I know. I’ve been there. Hopefully your friend will recognize this fact and see the world in a different light. Prayers and best wishes your way.