I am one of those people that can’t stand to see a long list of to-do’s. It doesn’t matter how far in the future the deadline is. If it’s on my to-do list, I MUST start the box checking process.
Of course, I do prioritize. Obtaining my visa for India was a high priority item. I had my visa in-hand in June (3 months prior to departure). I hit all of the large ticket items up next (i.e. flights, letter of authorization for emergency care for YaYa, travel insurance). Then came the nitty-gritty stuff such as notifying the banks of the planned travel, setting up international roaming to call YaYa, and shopping…
- Culturally appropriate clothing (including loose-fitting yoga pants)
- Anti-everything (to ward off germs, diarrhea, headaches, etc.)
- Universal power adapter/power-strip (gotta keep all of “the stuff” charged)
- Meal replacements and EmergenC (just in case)
- Travel size laundry detergent and a flat drain stopper (with only carry on, we’ll need to wash)
- etc., etc., etc.
I’m just about done. After that, I’ll have no more excuses; I’ll need to start crossing off the required reading. *sigh*
Actually, I have been working on that too – but unfortunately that’s not going as well.
amazed at how good you are about trip prep!
It’s a matter of “control.” Being the control freak that I am, and yes, I am a control freak, I *need* to insure that as many things I can do to prepare for the unknown are in place. It’s just one way I manage my level of stress…or try.