Today, when i look at the GPS tracking of my latest adventure, I reflect on where I’ve been both on this trip, as well as in the past many years. It’s more than just the miles; it is the physical, emotional, and spiritual work that naturally transpires from one point to the next. Each marker, indicating where we set up camp at the day’s end, corresponded with an energy or emotion which I was working through that day. Likewise, the trip in itself is representative of one more segment, or leg, of my life’s journey.
When I think back to the me of yesteryear, I am surprised at how differently I view life. In some ways, and on some days, I am more the same as before but on most I am vastly different.
Of course losing your husband, then your job, and then having a cancer scare of your own has a way of putting hurdles in ones way. Hurdles that appear as walls on many an occasion. Nevertheless, even when I look at myself before all of this tragedy, I see a woman with little certainty and whose identity was so tied up in being a wife and mother that she was somewhat lost in situations out of those roles.
But I faked it well.
I am happy with who I have become and what I have created. Moreover, I am excited about who I am becoming. Yes, I’ve come a long way but there is so much more to this journey than what the GPS devices can track. I guess, maybe, that’s why I have this blog.
This is weird. You hadn’t popped up in my RSS feed for a couple of weeks, so I decided to investigate. I guess you really did go deep under :-).
Well written on the road through life. :)