It’s Groundhog Day! Apparently, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow — meaning we will have 6 more weeks of Winter. Given the so-called Winter we’ve been having, I haven’t the slightest idea what that means. Will it finally rain? Or will we continue to have beautifully sunny weather?
Shadow or not, my plants refuse to believe that Spring hasn’t sprung. My rose bushes continued to produce flower after flower — making it impossible to time the Winter hack job. I finally caved and cut the back anyway. I don’t want a courtyard filled with scraggly, misshapen rose trees. Now do I? It’s been a while since I checked on my gardenias, but I’m hoping that they have survived my frequently-brown-nosed beast.
Inside, the house is a different story. I have no desire to slow down the emerging spring-like foliage. I have enjoyed watching my orchids grow new limbs and produce more and more buds. I water them, stroke their leaves and kiss the swollen buds with loving kindness.
And what do I get?
Yesterday, i awoke to find my first blossom had started to emerge much like a little chick slowly poking it’s way out into the world. Reluctantly, I left for work leaving it to do it’s thing all by itself.
By the time I returned home, she looked like this.
Come morning, she didn’t appear a whole lot different. I suspected she’d be wide open by the time I returned home.
Which, of course, she was!!!
Whether Spring comes now or, as Punxsutawney Phil has predicted, in 6 weeks…springtime has already begun unfolding inside my home and in my heart as well.
Note: These photos do not begin to show her in all her glory but they at least give you the sense that (1) we are having spring-like weather here (awaiting the California rains), and (2) I am thrilled to see my orchid do her thing.
I’m definitely enjoying the warmer weather here in Georgia. This rain, however, I could just do without.
hey, wes, let us have some of that rain!!
Your white orchid looks as happy as mine! And I have a terrible reputation for killing even the lowest maintenance plants (ie. cactus). Winter in California sure is pleasant and I love it.
I couldn’t leave a comment on your post fulfilling the tag challenge. Thank you for doing it, and thanks for great answers to my questions. Seems all runners want to be cheetahs. Go figure.