When someone continually complains of a physical ailment, I’m the first to tell them to check it out. Then, I get annoyed when they don’t follow through.
But when it comes to my own ailment, namely the back pain I’ve complained of for many months now, it’s a different story. It’s my bike fit, yoga, running, the mattress, anything but medical. Yet, it continues..
The fact that, other than cycling, movement generally makes it feel better and sitting makes it unbearable does beg me to question the theory that its cause is my physical activities.
So here I sit in the waiting room at Kaiser, now at the point where I cannot stand to ignore it any longer — because IT HURTS! I want answers. I want complete assurance that it’s not any of the items listed on my list of horrible-things-it-could-not-possibly-be. Which of course it isn’t. I just need reassurance.
Please, stay tuned.
We’ll stay tuned for news.