Days after her 35th birthday, she treated herself to an IUD. She already given birth to all the kids they’d planned. The procedure went well but for unknown reasons her OB did a double check on placement. This was how she discovered a mass that would later be determined to be Stage I ovarian cancer. Removal and chemotherapy followed and tonight this woman sits next to me in the yoga studio telling me her story.
In contrast to my husband’s story of metastatic lung cancer found so late in the game that even the palliative treatment was ineffective in easing the transition to death. It begs the question: why? But there is no answer. It is what it is.
I sit in meditation, my mind being tugged this way and that. Why? Why, in God’s name, do some people die while others live? Why are my January’s so difficult – so overwhelming? Why do I feel so alone? Why?
because that’s the way life goes. now you get to choose. you really are a strong person Juls, and you are never alone.
I have had those same thoughts recently for similar reasons. I wish I had an answer for you. I wish I had an answer for me too.
I ask the questions but I know there simply are no answers. Still, I ask — because for some odd reason I helps.