When Spring was approaching, and also my 1st running of the Boston Marathon, a few of my yogi friends signed up for a nutrition-based cleanse. Much like spring cleaning, this temporary change in eating paves the way for ridding the body of toxins which have build up over time. The end result, among other things, is a re-setting of one’s sensitivity to hunger, more energy, improved sleep and, for some, weight loss. I was intrigued but felt that the timing could possibly jeopardize my marathon goals. I opted out, but planned to sign up in the next go ‘round.
Not surprisingly the next session fell during my training for another endurance event: my century. I began to mull over the pro’s and possibly con’s taking this on now, during the peak of my training. With the cleanse in consideration, it occurred to me that I always seem to have a big event, therefore training, on the books. This is who I am; it’s my norm. So, why not play around a bit with food if only to broaden my awareness of healthy food choices?
I thought back to the days immediately prior to Boston. YaYa and I stayed with a friend who is somewhat of a vegan chef. We ate amazing vegan meals cooked by him and his fabulous girlfriend. And I didn’t give it a second thought when I toed the line in Hopkinton. Furthermore, I didn’t pay a price for it either.
I signed up.
I received a detailed manuscript explaining the food-based approach, the detoxification process, and a whole slew of recipes we could use during the 8-day cleanse. I began eliminating the Foods to Avoid and the incorporating a few of the “Yes Foods”. Doing so helped me to discover which of the “Yes Foods” were actually “No Foods” for me (not appealing to my tastes). Additionally, I also got to experiment with adding foods like quinoa to the family dinner so that I’m not cooking two full meals.
In the short time of experimentation, I got a preview of things to come – some subtle and others not so much. One such thing, which I found interesting, was the return of my teen-like facial oils. Of course this is accompanied by a few blemishes. I’m looking at them as toxins bubbling up from my pores. Kind of cool. Yes? It beats the list of detoxifying symptoms which include extreme fatigue or weakness, lightheadedness, headaches, nausea, digestive issues like painful gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, emotional irritability including anger, impatience or depression, insomnia and/or intense dreams, rashes, body aches and hunger pangs, and bad breath. Nice, eh?
Of course, now that I am officially on the 8-day journey, I will probably experience a few of the symptoms listed above. That’s okay; I’m in it for the results. My main consideration is how to support the nutritional demands from my training – the long ride that is. I figure I’ll not get hung up on what I can and cannot eat. I’ll use it as a guide and adhere to it as life and training allow. By the time it’s time to ride long, my body should have adapted and I’ll, hopefully, have the worst behind me.
In the meantime, it is recommended that I treat myself nicely and surround myself with supportive and loving people. Therefore, I dropped a quick hint to The Man. Then, I skipped the free company lunch, and headed outside for a leisurely walk.
Oh Juls! I am shocked that a person with a nursing background would stoop to talking about toxins coming out of your body. Your body does not harbor toxins – they get cleaned out by your liver and kidneys. The fat soluble ones are not going to come pouring out because you eat like a monk for a couple of days.
Enjoy your new regimen but pul-eze – no more talk of toxins. You’ve just turned your internal biochemistry on its head and your body is reacting.
– Your Mom
Hmmm… It could be that I overuse the word toxic/toxin. No need to be concerned. I’m just eating unprocessed, chem-free foods for 8-days. Then, it’s back to McD’s! *kidding*
Interesting how your skin is responding to the change in diet. And are you sure the other symptoms are from toxins and not just being hungry?! Just kidding.
I’ve always been skeptical of detox diets, but some friends swear by them.
I actually don’t have any of the other symptoms — at least not noticeable. YaYa stayed home from school today so I had the day off. I ended up taking a nap and slept so soundly it was kind of crazy.