There are so many ways to show love and appreciation. Everyone has their own unique style. Although I tend to hate that, on today, some have a tendency to demand acts of love because the calendar says it’s Valentine’s Day.
Don’t get me wrong; I love a little romance. But, I’m also one who loves the personalization and thought of a hand written note, and the simplicity of a single handpicked rose. Tom and I enjoyed sharing Valentine’s at this level. I think we both appreciated taking the pressure demands of extravagant gifts out of our relationship. This is one reason why I was so touched to discover Donald’s blog post saying simply that he loves and appreciates his lovely bride. In the end, isn’t that what matters?
Speaking of showing the love, one of you (my dear sweet readers) gave me an incredible gift today. This gift arrived by email with a heartfelt note (the card) accompanying an MP3 file which I downloaded to hear the most beautiful song written just for me. As predicted, the song brought me to tears: bringing back memories of a journey which was both difficult and blessed with acts of love similar to this. The song, personal as it is, will not be shared here but I will say that the lyrics and accompanying guitar picking was simply beautiful.
This post would not be complete if I failed to point out the obvious — that being that it is about both giving and receiving. Today, my little valentine and I (and just about everyone else in this town) went miniature golfing. After only a few holes, he got used to my unique playing style (read: Juls cheats). We followed with some arcade time where I learned that it is possible to get motion sick while playing car driving games. We played air hockey, dance-dance revolution, and shot a bunch bad guys (and I’m afraid I killed the good guys too.) Being able to spend this time with him is truly a gift.
Valentine’s Day could have been a drag, but thanks to many little acts of kindness, the day wasn’t too bad this year. It was actually pretty good.
Dee Dee asked what I wanted for Valentine’s Day this year, and I said nothing. That’s what I got in a material sense, but it was still a great day :-)
Thanks for the link – glad you liked the post. Happy to hear your Valentine’s Day turned out well.