It’s a new year and things are changing. Every day, since arriving at 2010, a new man has been knocking on MY door. It’s great! I know…it’s only a short 4 days into the year, but it’s a start.
I wonder how long before a man comes a-knocking who isn’t there to set up tv, cut my lawn, spray for bugs, or trim my trees. *sheepish grin* At least my chores are getting done.
Seriously. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve come to really appreciate the men that are IN my life. It is these men, and none other, that matter most to me.
In less than a week, my oldest will be returning to the islands. As much as I want him to continue on his path towards his future, I will surely miss him.
They grow up so fast. Even young YaYa is showing signs of time passing. I want to somehow stop time — but I can’t. Instead, I will simply try to enjoy it while it’s here for, in a blink of an eye, it will be gone.
Let me be the first to say, “that’s right!”
I know, Sis, I KNOW!
Look at that protective hug, and the look on YaYa’s face! pitter-patter goes my heart. :)
What fine looking young men they are. I am a little jealous of the oldest ones impending trip to the Air Force. My stint in the service, although not entirely liked, made a huge difference in my life.
yikes looking at this makes me realize that someday the boys will be taller than me…and also..awwwww.
That is a very cute picture!
Happy New Year, Juls. Cheering or participating – either way I just want to spend time with you again. Lovely picture.
That’s a lovely picture.