I was finally afforded enough down time to totally clear out my backlog of posts in google reader. I will admit, I have fallen behind in reading my collection of RSS feeds. The number of blogs I am now following has grown out of control. While I admit that FB has taken up a good portion of my time, I swear that I can scan the status updates in minutes and am done with it (until my next check in).
While catching up on my reading I came across Runner Susan’s recent post accusing me (and YOU) for cheating on her with FB. She makes a good point. I have to agree that I too have not been feeling the love lately. If it wasn’t for seeing the number of visitors showing up on my statcounter, I would guess that only 2-5 people visit my site my site per day.
And while I realize that many of you also read my posts via your own feed reader, I thrive on your feedback. Please leave a comment to show your love. Also, don’t forget to stop by Runner Susan’s blog and show her the love too. She really does give good blog — the best even.
I’m here! Mwah!
But yes, I spend more time on FB than on my own blog, and I do all my reading via Google Reader. Guilty as charged!
I do all my reading via Reader, as well, but you know I’m here! :)) I do FB, as well, but love reading blogs.
Have a great day today, Juls!
And don’t you love Runner Susan’s new haircut? I wish mine looked so good! :)
I read every post :-)
Except when you deleted the wrong URL from you feed burner. LOL
Thanks Wes
facebook…I am kinda in to it, but I’m a blogger true and true, I like taking the time to read up on my favorite blogs, I’ll poke someone now and again on facebook..but mostly I”m being hit up by the mob
Thanks Juls! You are the best. I love you too!
I read. I don’t facebook. I also don’t comment a whole lot (I s’pose I ought go comment at Runner Susan’s too, since I mostly lurk there too…) Mostly, it’s that I think I should say something interesting or clever and my brain freezes.
It’s okay to just say “Hi” or “I was here”
Don’t make me facebook also! But I’m still “young”, I could learn it in a pinch.
Rest assured, I’ll never cheat on you for Facebook. I’m just not feeling the addiction over there like I do with blogging.
Keep writing – I’ll keep reading.
Oh no, I’m totally cheating on my bloggers with FB. :( And now, Twitter. :( I’m catching up with reader this week though!
I would say guilty as charged but I almost never miss a post and I almost always comment so I’m taking a hall pass!