It is hard to explain why I was driven to attend the funeral of a young woman whom I had never met. I don’t understand it myself. I just knew that I must go — so I did.
I felt a little guilty for being there: a funeral crasher. I wondered what I would say if someone asked me how I knew her. Even as I sat in the church, tears rolling down my face, I had no idea what the reason was for the strong connection that I had with her. I felt like I had known her all of my life. But as the stories were told and the pictures shown, it was confirmed that I never even met her. I can only tell you that her spirit spoke to me. Simply put, I just had to be there at her funeral.
She was only 27 years old when she died. She was a teacher, a runner, and a teammate. Like Tom, her cancer was widespread by the time it was discovered. She fought hard, but lost the battle. I am saddened that I never got to know this remarkable woman. And I am truly sorry for those who did know her in this world.
Sounds like you belonged there to me. Why ask why? They say it is better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all. I say the same about life.
I have attended funerals of people I hardly knew but just had to be there. I always learn something about myself and life from each one. Glad to know where you moved :-)
Thanks for the invite. Glad to be keeping up with your life once again.