It’s probably not a bad thing that I have become just a little obsessed with my looks these days. This phenomena does not only apply on days when I’ll see Mr. Football; it seems to be at all times.
I woke early this morning and evaluated the combination of waves and curls in my hair after going to bed with it wet. My first thought was that it was sort of a Carrie Bradshaw look. After a couple of cups of coffee, I thought differently and scrambled upstairs to straighten it before YaYa’s game. Carrie Bradshaw, I am NOT.
Not only did I smooth out my hair; I also changed my shoes, and then my shirt. Even as I left the house, I wasn’t sure that I’d made the flattering-yet-casual choice but it would have to do.
On some levels, the attention to my hair, skin care, make-up, and attire is a good thing. On another level, it is frustrating to search for the right look when the majority of my clothes are for running. And since my husband didn’t like make-up, perfume, or fancy cloths on me, I am a struggling to figure it all out.
Oh come on! You femmes are born with this information :-) LOL… Your blog pic looks just fine, so I’m sure you don’t have to do too much to look nice!!
Besides, being yourself is most important too :-D
I only post the “good” pictures of myself.
One step at time, Juls. You are beautiful. You are in one of those times of a woman’s life where we have to redefine that which we thought we used to know so well.
I have had these moments too. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think, “Who is this person staring back at me??!!” Not because I don’t like what I see, but more because I see myself in a different light somehow.
I attribute it to “God peeling back another layer.” Sometimes, in fact usually, it is a painful process. In the end, I am better for it.
Sometimes don’t you just want to scream… NO MORE PEELING PLEASE!!!!
Juls you are beautiful..sure you only post pictures that you want us to see but we still see YOU!
You have such a natural beauty and I am sure lokking fabulous is no challenge. Take care
I know what you mean. It’s worth it to own a couple of nicer tees and jeans that fit well. That way you always look fabulous. You don’t need any makeup.
as a person who works from home now, I consider wearing any shoes (even running shoes) as “dressed up” and the skort as high fashion (it’s shorts! it’s a skirt! it’s BOTH at the same time!! perfect for every suburban Mom occasion!). I have nothing to offer you. Except to echo everyone else that you look fab in your photos and undoubtedly in person, too!
But if it makes you more confident, then go for it!