I was homeward bound and again contemplating my post-work fate. YaYa was at soccer practice so I had the luxury of an extra 1 ½ hours to play with. I was torn between going for a run and getting some neglected chores checked off. I could not shake free from the image of the empty container of dog food. There was dinner too. Although little mis-categorized, I also had the chore of getting another bra or two.
It has been a long time since my breast biopsy. Since the surgery, I have had two bras to choose from. Because of a long lasting incisional tenderness, neither of these two bras has an under-wire. I should add that my body has been subjected to 42 years of gravitational pull. Need I say more? It was time to put everything back in place again.
And so my run had to wait. I figured that I would get it done in due time.
So, from the humility of the dressing room mirrors to the pet store I went. I arrived home with 50 pounds of dog food with just enough time to get dinner started and walk the beasts before YaYa arrived home. Of course he still had his homework to complete and darkness was already upon us. I tried not to kick myself for letting my run opportunity pass me up.
And then I created a new plan,
a revised plan,
and a good plan.
After dinner, we packed up YaYa’s school work and went to the gym, where YaYa completed his homework, and I ran on the treadmill.
I’m impressed that you went ahead and got that run in! I find, after the busyness of life I don’t get to that run… I appreciate the ahem… gravity issues. Mine are beginning, after nursing two kids on the pair… :) I’m sorry to hear about your lasting soreness. And two dogs eat a lot! Our two do, as well. Keep hanging in there. I’m sending you hugs from afar. Good to hear from you again!
I’m impressed that you went ahead and got that run in! I find, after the busyness of life I don’t get to that run… I appreciate the ahem… gravity issues. Mine are beginning, after nursing two kids on the pair… :) I’m sorry to hear about your lasting soreness. And two dogs eat a lot! Our two do, as well. Keep hanging in there. I’m sending you hugs from afar. Good to hear from you again!
i had breast surgery a while ago (long story, nothing bad) and I finally broke down and went to a specialty bra store and spent a LOT of money for the best fitting bras I’ve ever had in my life. Totally worth it! No more dept. store bras for me ever!
AND YAY you for figuring out how to get that run in!
I believe this is known in the 21st Century as “having it all”. Well done!