I let the day pass without giving Patriot’s Day a single thought. In the evening, I turned on the TV to select the digital video recording (DVR) of the race coverage among a collection of children’s shows.
As my dinner cooked, I sat on the couch and watched the 112th Boston Marathon. It was a great thing to have avoided all mention of the outcome. In this case, ignorance is bliss.
My dinner was ready around the time of the final push towards the finish. I cheered wildly as the two women leaders approached the finish line neck in neck. YaYa looked over at me and laughed. The dogs got all riled up too. I may have been a little over enthusiastic.
It is so nice to have full TV coverage of the race rather than the quick little blurb in the evening news. While I was happy to watch, I was also saddened to not be enjoying it first hand. I think that it reasonable to strive towards joining the crowd for the 115th running. That’s when I’ll move up an age group. Something good has to come of getting old.
You will be there one day soon, I guarentee.
A lot of good things come from being on the planet longer. And we don’t get older – we get better, right?
Maybe watching the Boston Marathon was just the thing you needed y ou regain your enthusiasm for running.
weird..I totally missed it this year….wow..where have I been?
And just wait for the olympics! I love watching those athletes compete.I scream and yell and jump up and down watching them. :)