When YaYa was just a wee lad, he used to play with my hair while going to sleep. He would do it unconsciously, reaching up and twirling the strands, of what hair his little hands could grab a hold of, until he feel off to sleep. After he was safely sleeping, I would gently remove my hair from his little fist so that I could retreat to my own bed – at least for a few hours.
As YaYa grew, the routine continued to be a part of our nightly routine. He came up with names for the various types of hair-play – Rakes, Pick Ups, Ponytails, Pets, etc. Unfortunately, these days the hair-play is less common than it is routine. There is nothing more enjoyable though.
Tonight, in order to get him to do "ponytails", I have to bribe him with sips of my tea.
What is this world coming to?
Awwwwww! Sounds like a very relaxing experience :)
My oldest and my youngest are hair players. My oldest is 15 and every so often reaches for my hair, my heart skips a beat and I almost hold my breath in hopes I don’t disturb the moment.