In case some of you were getting a little worried about my psyche, this will reinforce those concerns. I’ve decided to join the cast of bloggers for whom blogging everyday in November (NaBloPoMo) was not enough. We’ll all be Blogging for 365 days without fail. I don’t know if it is possible but, for fun, I am willing to try.
Just in case I’ve peaked your interest, Here are the Rules:
– Blog everyday for 365 days.
– Feb.29th is a Free Day and will be the Blog365 day of rest! (Thanks Leap Year)
– You do not HAVE to post to the same blog as long as you post everyday.
– No internet? Write your post locally and post it once you are back on the grid.
– Computer Broken? Grab some paper and do some old school blogging.
– A post is a post, not everything has to be in writing. Photos, YouTube videos, and the like are all considered content.
– Have fun, because that’s the whole point!
i bow to your superior talents and persistence!
If anyone can pull this off it would be you. I’d better start training soon to be able to read 365 days entries.
Let the craziness begin!
This will be fun for you, I think. I’m looking forward to seeing how you manage this. I’m thinking YouTube and Flickr will be your friends.
Oohhh maybe I can do it if I do a photo of the day type of thing! I am still doubting my abilities!
I thought about it. I’m still undecided. :)
Come on folks; it will be fun. Alos, photo only posts are also allowed.