Tonight is the first night that nobody from the extended family stayed here. They all left and went to their hotel rooms for the night. It was strange to be just our family (what’s left of it). It is hard to believe that I will be needing to return to work and make some sense of my life moving forward.
While the children (YaYa and BoBo) were nestled, all snug in their beds, DD and I stayed up and watched a movie. All was well until one of the final scenes. It was a wedding scene and I got hit with the line “’till death do you part.”
I’ve been up ever since, going through stacks of old photos and remembering some fun moments. I realize that morning will be here soon. Actually, it is already here, but I can’t sleep. My head is spinning. So much has already fallen into place for Tom’s mass and celebration of his life. But there is still so much left to do.