The fond memories of our courting, the joys that we’ve shared with our children, and without them. It’s been 20 years of adventures.
In the beginning, we shared bicycle riding, poetry, and coffee together. We sat in parks together sipping our cappuccino drinks while he read poems to me (written by him or by wonderfully spoken poets). He awed me with his wisdom and kindness.
I remember my older sister, only knowing him from tough times in the year’s prior, calling me to protest my relationship with him. The man that I was dating was not that “grumpy” man that she had known. She was surprised at whom I had become, almost disbelieving that I could enjoy poetry and literature. She had a lively man picked out for me – someone that she thought was better suited. *sigh* I’d been there, done that; the Mr. Lively type didn’t work well for me.
It hasn’t been all fun and games. We’ve had our ups and downs. Through the lowest of times, my love for him has been strong, as his has for me.
Big Sis was wrong. I did choose the right man to settle down with. He has given so much to the children, his friends, and me. Now it is time for him to let us give a little back to him.
When I look at ending our adventure, I know that we will always be together – in spirit. I will have the memories (good and bad), and three beautiful kids that were created from his love.
I don’t know how I missed this post – it never showed up on bloglines.
I’ve been reading all of your posts this morning. Reading and re-reading. Reading and trying to think of comforting things to say but really, you know all those lines.
Hugs to you and the boys.