There is a lot to keep up with. Somehow, I managed to keep the pace, and get updated on the entire “goings on.” With a pile of clean, unfolded clothes beside me, I decided to ignore the laundry. Sorry, dear. Instead I got caught up on the blogs. It took me a while to catch up on my favorites, and I even discovered a few that I haven’t visited before. There’s a lot going on. Here is just a sample of the many great “goings on.”
Cindy is making headway on her training for the Silicon Valley Marathon. She had an awesome 16 mile run over the weekend with her running pals.
Jeff, the amazing hip, his many obstacles on the way to his marathon. He managed to stay somewhat relaxed, got one last training run in, and did an awesome job in his marathon.
Dori is now doing her “run-running” in California. She is training for the Big Sur Half Marathon and has been enjoying some coastal running in the Monterey area.
21st Century Mom continues doing her tri-training. She has recently discovered that double workouts are fun and has enjoyed a day off following each of her double-days. She even had a triple workout day last week. Go Mom of the 21st Century!
Jeff, continues to make “time to run.” Looking at his stats, he has really picked up the pace. Great job to one of the newer runners.
YaYa continues to enjoy being a 3rd grader. He has a new job helping out at lunch in the cafeteria. He is also playing on a soccer team this fall.
Wes offered a few thoughts on 9-11.
And speaking of September 11th, let’s not forget to recognize the happier things of this day. My nephew, Scrabble Dude, celebrated another Birthday. He is now 8 years old. Happy 8th Birthday, Dude!
That’s the update from marathons and beyond. Enjoy life and stay active.
Thanks for the shout out and for the updates! Maybe I’ll be able to go down to Monterey to watch Big Sur. That would be fun!
Hey Juls, I’ve been busy and have missed out on reading your excellent blog. It’s good to catch up with you. Say hi to YaYa…my guys will be launching a blog soon. I’ll let you know.
Please fold the laundry. It will give you an inner glow that will help you on your long runs, and is a great way to burn those extra calories. The “AW” girl will be speechless.
Will do. Thanks for the training suggestion.
Hi Juls. Is “anonymous” someone you’re married too? Sounds suspicious!
Thanks for the shout out. I’m still in CA, but flying home tomorrow afternoon. I’m over by SFO and planning to run 5-6 miles tomorrow morning. I’ll call you and if you’re not working, maybe we can meet.
Thanks so much for noticing! Your blog was one of the inspirations for me to start blogging and I admire the way you fit in running with work/family/etc! Don’t let the laundry slide and keep “anonymous” happy though! :)