Last week, I read a fabulous article describing the difference between a wish and a goal.
A Goal Without a Plan is just A Wish – Shona, WodPrep
I immediately thought about my recent race experience and my goal to join the Trifecta Tribe by completed the race. Although I wasn’t sure if it was realistic, my actual goal was to do the Beast in approximately 6 hours. Of course, if you don’t work on being fast, you cannot expect to be fast on race day. After all, we get good at what we practice, and I had practiced moving at hiking/backpacking pace. So, although I knew I could go the distance, it was certain that I would not do it in under 6 hours. Then there were the obstacles.
As for the plan, I wasn’t exactly following a plan. Although I certainly I only had a rough idea of what I would face on race day, my “plan” was only in my head. In my head, the extent of my plan was simply to do what I could in order to get strong and more agile, develop grip strength and the ability to hang from my hands. Running wise, I knew what it would take but just didn’t make time for it even though I knew that the course would be mountainous and long. Instead, I hiked and told myself that I was developing endurance and put off doing the work of actual running.
Now I have no excuse; I know what I can expect from the Spartan Sprint, Super and Beast. I know the obstacles which cause me to take penalty burpees: Monkey Bars, Multi-rig, Twister, and Spear Throw. I also know the obstacles which I always need to get help with: Walls & Hurdles, and the Olympus. And although I don’t have access to walls or the rigs listed to gain these skills, I can work more diligently and smartly on the body movements and strength these obstacles require.
It’s time to plan and execute. Five weeks until the Spartan Stadium Sprint at AT&T Park (San Francisco). Aroo!!