Although I have tried to separate my yoga blog posts from the rest of my blog posts, the division is a façade. Because of this, there is often a tug-o-war between my two blogs over many of the posts. For example, I recently published a piece about learning to play guitar on my yoga blog. If you read it, you will know why I chose to post it on the yoga blog. However, if I’d written a little differently, it could very easily have landed here. Similarly, I am noticing some parallels on my yoga mat which translate to some of the struggles now surfacing as I try to pick up running again. There are lessons on the mat that mimic the work that must be done in developing the physical and mental strength required to build up my “obstacle immunity” for the Spartan Race. For this reason, over the next 6 months, I urge you to take a peek at the writing on Keeping Balance once in a while for there may be posts of interest to you there (even if you aren’t a yoga practitioner).