I come into the office, settle down at my desk, and review my schedule for the day. Two meetings, neither of which I have any enthusiasm for. I groan to myself and think, “I just can’t do it”, knowing full well that indeed I can.
It’s not the first time I’ve muttered “I can’t” today. Several times already today I’ve muttered those words. As I think about it, I believe that I muttered these words to myself upon waking. Yeah, I know, that’s no way to start the day. But I’m sore, and tired, and I just don’t WANT to work today. Not at the office…and not on my mat.
Somehow, I got my sorry tushie out of bed and to the yoga studio for the led practice covering the full primary series at the instructor’s pace. I spent the drive psyching myself up for it, telling myself that it is no different than marathon training. Some days, you want to run and it’s easy, other days you don’t and it’s hard. Always, you are just a bit sore at the start but even that eases up and your body gives into your urgings to just do it.
My practice was difficult from start to finish but I did my best to still the mind and shush the monkey in my head who kept on pointing out my short comings. Yeah, every pose I took was less than the pose of yesterday. Yeah, I did hurt. And I was uber sore and extremely fatigued. “I know, Monkey, I know.”
But I stuck with my practice… just as I will stick with it here at the office.
I have those same conversations with myself more often lately. What finally gets me convinced to the I will attitude is that regrets (should have, could have, would have) weighs more in guilt. Way to keep plugging along!