At the end of last year, I choose “balance” as my word of the year. My aim was targeted on a multifaceted balance rather than just physically being able to stand on one leg. Although, I meant that too, of course.
Finding a way to balance, or juggle, all that I want to do has been the bigger goal — or challenge. Running, yoga, family, work, play, chores…. It’s not as easy as just deciding that you want it. It takes work, personal strength, flexibility… and often sacrifice too.
This past month, I’ve opted to be home more in the evenings for YaYa. This is more of a personal choice rather than something he has asked for. Not only does my son not need my help with his studies, he prefers not to have it. Instead, I am there to provide him with food and water, coordination and transportation to tutoring, and troubleshooting any printer or computer issues that arise. However, this has meant that instead of breaking up my commute, by hitting the yoga studio on the way home from the office, I suffer through the entire commute and try to carve out time on my mat at home.
Now that football has ended, I split the weekend playtime between yoga and running. Sometimes, it’s hard to fully separate the two – for they are both deeply a part of me. At the end of today’s run, I couldn’t wait to pull off my shoes.
I’ve been running in Lil’ Sis’ neutons (which did not agree with her feet). They offer me a little more warmth and protection than my vibrams but still allow for a similar style of running. Nonetheless, they are shoes. And shoes do not allow for as much movement as my vibrams.
So off they come. I forward bend, down-dog it, and let my pigeon sleep for a few minutes.