I left the chiropractor’s office happy, completely pain free, with a spring in my step that has been missing for many years. I drove home to get YaYa for tutoring, drove him to the appointment, then drove to the store for our dinner. I was in now hurry as I had a full hour to kill and nothing much to do. As a result, I spent most of the time post-adjustment just sitting.
My body began to say “Hey!” It wanted to move. It wanted to go pee. It did NOT want to just sit. Yoga was on deck — waiting for the session to end and the post session discussion with YaYa’s tutor. I did my best to go with the flow. Although the 5:45 pm hot vinyasa class is one of my most favorite classes, I almost never can go to it as my mommy duties take precedence.
In the end, the more basic yoga class was probably the best option for the day. My body was adjusting to having a few rigid joints freed up and I had the task of getting acquainted ahead. I missed pushing my body through the flow-based vinyasa movements, the balancing acts, backbends, and twists. At the same time, I was thankful to take my time. The slower pace allowed me to spend another minute in child’s pose when I wanted to just rest. Likewise, it also allowed me time to hold a post a moment longer which is especially tempting if I only just got situated due to struggles attaining it.
At the end of the day, I crawled into bed with no more complaint than menstrual cramping — no cold or hot pack, and no pain meds. I snuggled up with my pillows and fell off to sleep with an eager curiosity for the day ahead. I woke at 3 am feeling well rested and quickly returned to sleep after confirming there was more to sleep to be gotten.
Now, with a full day ahead, the sun waits for the just the right moment to make an appearance. I, on the other hand, cannot wait to get moving. Maybe I’ll do a few sun salutations to encourage the sun to come out. Not a lot. Just enough to wake up my body and get this day off the right start. If only these salutations of mine would magically encourage YaYa’s body to wake up as well; his alarm clock has been sounding for the last 30 minutes but, as usual, he remains completely unaware.
Big smile
I hope you don’t mind but I just tagged you. You were on my mind at the time. Sorry.