It’s been quite some time since I’ve played the game of tag. Honestly, I prefer it that way. Even though the distraction from my everyday ho-hum was kind of nice, I don’t think any of you would care to be tagged. So, I’m skipping part.
The Rules (Post these rules if you are tagged):
1. The #1 Rule is there are NO RULES!
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
Remember, rule #1 said there were “No rules.” Therefore, I am breaking a few of the non-rules listed about.
Juls’ 5 Random Things:
1. I love minimalist footwear but find my feet too sensitive to actually go barefoot.
2. The sound of food smacking drives me berserk.
3. I find the smell of coffee beans almost as delightful as the taste of the coffee itself.
4. Most fragrances (perfume and cologne) leave me with an intense headache.
5. For several years I sold Mary Kay Cosmetics even though I haven’t the slightest clue about make up. I foolish thought everyone cared about skin care more than make up.
My answers to Anne’s 11 questions:
1. If you could trade bodies with any animal, what creature would it be? Cheetah
2. Coffee or tea? Coffee
3. What are the coldest conditions you’ve ever run in? Lincoln, NE on a snowy business trip.
4. What do you tell someone immediately after they DNF? “Do you want a hug?”
5. What is your favorite comfort food? Chips & Salsa. Dark Chocolate & Red Wine.
6. Why do people think Scarlett Johanssen is pretty? Why not. Everyone has their own unique beauty. It is up to us to find it.
7. How many stitches have you accumulated over the years? 3
8. If you were a wine, what type of wine would you be? Cabernet Sauvignon: full, smooth, rich, intense with subtle complexity
9. What was your favorite class in high school? Ocean Biography
10. Do androids dream of electric sheep? Huh?
11. And do you know the movie question 10 is based upon (without using Google, Yahoo or Bing, please!)? Um. No.
Here is my list of 5 Questions (written before I opted not to tag anyone):
1. Injuries: How many bones have you broken or fractured?
2. Coffee and/or Tea: Black or with cream?
3. Chocolate: Milk or Dark?
4. Your ideal vacation activities: Wining & dining OR outdoor play?
5. What musician/artist would you love to have dinner with (just the two of you)?
My list of The Legitimately Tagged: N/A
Wes, 21CM, Runner Susan, and IronMo: You were almost tagged.