Having had taken the week off from running and other rigorous cardiovascular workouts, my psyche was getting a little bit… um… DOWN. Thankfully, I didn’t give up yoga too. Can you imagine?
Well, yesterday I decided that it was time. I slide on my vibrams. More accurately, I fought with my toes for about 5 minutes trying to coax them into their respective pockets. That’s not the point, though.
The point is, I went running. And although it was initially a little bit of a challenge to breathe, suck on my throat lozenge, and avoid getting hit by the stream of cars frantically trying to get their starving owners fed, I quickly found a groove.
In the first few miles, I stopped a couple of times to remove the stuff being moved out my airways. It’s wonderful what a little movement and deep breathing will do. After that, I was good to go. — aside from wishing I’d had another throat lozenge to moisten my dry throat. Yeah, I guess I was doing a bit more mouth breathing than usual.
Anyway, I’m feeling much better today.