After scanning the long list of articles, I picked one article from the NY Times’ paper to read this morning. Describing the challenges of soldiers returning home from deployment, I could not help but worry about my BoBo. Today he remains on U.S. land, but I know that as long as the war continues there is no guarantee that he won’t be deployed. The thought of adding more emotional baggage, such as post traumatic stress disorder, to his demons of losing his dad sends tears to my eyes.
I begin to pray that what ever the next 3 1/2 years brings for him, that he will somehow return home safe and stronger emotionally and physically from his experience. I pray that, no matter what his future exposes him to, that he will come to better appreciate his freedom, those who love him, and this beautiful place we call home. Also, I pray for the soldiers who are now returning, for those who are being deployed and those who remain in the battle zone. Most of all, I pray that this war will end.