…or is it?
You may remember how there were discussions about the end of the world circulating at YaYa’s school last year. Somehow, we managed to curb the nightmares and get on with things.
But now the End of the World rumors are re-circulating. The thought occurred to me that I could very well lock my son up until Sunday morning. Then I remembered that this is the same kid who, as a toddler, would lean over the railing of his crib and flip his legs over his head to escape the confines. Yeah, it might be a bit challenging to lock him up for the rest of the week.
Well, I got to thinking…
Setting aside the why, what IF the end of the world really was coming? Would you do ANYTHING different? SPEND TIME WITH SOMEONE in particular? Would you go on with your day as usual or head to the hills, beach, or other SPECIAL place?
none of the above… only arrogance leads fools to believe in the end of the world…
It’s along the lines of what if you knew you were dying. Is there anything you’d want to do?
as stupid as it is…I get caught up in it too. however, I usually can talk myself out of believe things easier than a child. IF the end if the world is really coming, I really won’t change much I try to live everyday to the fullest, as I am not promised tomorrow. in fact, I am glad that this is going around because it makes me remember that and to live everyday like it’s my last. does that make sense?
Absolutely. You may be the only one to catch my intent. I agree that we need to live now, not later. Even though I don’t really believe it will happen, I was thinking that I’d like to do something fun with YaYa on Friday night, instead of sitting at home…
just in case.
Well it looks like that guy was a little off….