In the past, I have been guilty of painting a picture of perfection when describing people whom I am especially fond of. This putting them on a pedestal is no more accurate than when I have portrayed the cruel and ill-mannered as pond scum or even as bad as “the fungus that feeds on the pond scum.” Neither is accurate. I know this. However the exaggeration does well to show the favoritism or lack thereof.
Truthfully, I know that the same person (or even yours truly) is capable of sitting high on that pedestal one moment, then fall off and transform in midair into pond scum. But…if I really like them, and I mean REALLY, I will reach down, pull them up from that putrid pool of slim, and help them back up onto that pedestal. And then…I’ll climb right up there with them. Because that’s just the kind of person I am.
Sounds like a little something called “being a mom”. :) You know, when my godmother died, I spoke at her funeral. One of the things I talked about was her ability to make you feel like the most special person in the room; like, no matter what happened, you were *exactly* the person she was hoping to see at just that moment. It kind of reminds me of what you’re saying here. I think the ability to absolutely ADORE people is one of the biggest human gifts we can have.
how would you describe me? :-D