I can’t believe that at least one of you didn’t comment on my Drama-ME post. While I was trying to make light of my motion sickness, the part that I didn’t share was how the taxi driver answered his mobile phone (not hands-free) and then picked up his pen with the other hand to write down an address.
“DUDE!” I thought, “Hold onto the steering wheel!”
Call me a paranoid but I think that ALL drivers to use some sort of safety measures — especially when I’m in the car.
Well, I wasn’t chancing it. I called Mr Good Neighbor to see if he could pick me up on my return trip. Thankfully, he said “Yes.” I was so happy to see him that I jumped up and down waving my hands wildly when I saw him standing there waiting. Actually, I think I do that every time he picks me up.
My ride home was soothing. Not only did he keep his hands on the wheel, he drove smoothly, and actually talked to me. And the classical music playing as we went was pretty sweet too.
I commented! Just on another of your posts! ;) Never been in a taxi-now I’m hoping I don’t have to! ;) Hugs!