There has been so much activity in my little world over the past month. One need only feel my neck and shoulders to realize effect. And the resulting prodromal stage of a migraine was just another sign.
Although I somehow managed to kick the headache before it took hold of me, I wasn’t able to shake the zombie-like feeling that followed. It was if I was hungover from too much social interaction.
With all that I’ve had going on — what, with BoBo’s visit, and YaYa’s baptism at the heart of it — truly it was a blessing that I opted to give up the time-sucking activities of FB and Twitter during the Lenten season. My return to each has been one of distance. Although Lent has ended, my stressors remain. It doesn’t help to be in taper mode as running helps me to manage my stress.
At work, I have a new boss to adjust to. I hope this will actually be a good thing. More importantly, the main event for my project is rapidly approaching. Things appear to finally be falling into place and I am crossing my fingers that no other hurdles put the project on delay.
As luck would have it, the kick-off meeting for this project is set to occur in Nebraska just days before my marathon. Different from the December meeting (that occurred the same weekend as my last marathon), my role at the upcoming meeting will require me to access my presenting skills. Which, of course, stresses me out even more. *deep breath*
Tonight, as I begin to test out slides which have been modified by others then set in stone, I find that the flow is beyond awkward and that I basically SUCK at my presentation. Even YaYa couldn’t resist adding yawns and commentary.
And I am certain that running 26.2 miles on the challenging BSIM course will likely be one of the easier and more enjoyable things I do in the coming weeks.
Running would be a heck of a lot more fun without work, sleep in and run every day…
Make sure you give yourself what you need the week before the race. (i.e. rest, good nutrition — you know, the things you do have control over…)
deep breath, then go rock it :-)