The alarm sounded but I didn’t leave my bed after turning it off. Instead, I stayed put and watched the trees sway outside my window. It’s was nice to not have to worry about being on schedule. I took my time getting ready and, after a long while, I was off like a herd of turtles.
Today’s run was the same as last weekend’s only I parked an additional half-mile away from the open space to insure my final long run for Big Sur would be at least 20 miles.
About 10 minutes into my run, I realized the significance of the day but there was no sadness that came with the awareness. Instead, I took in the memory and was happy to have had it.
My training for Big Sur has been one of many solo runs. Today’s run was no different. I’ve been pleased with my contentment in running solo. It’s given me a lot of time to think and process things. It’s been good.
Today might have been especially lonely had I not been in this place of comfort. Being a Friday, the trails were empty except for the wildlife. In the three hours I was out, I bid “hello” to less than a dozen people…but I got a chance to really experience or “take in” the awesomeness of the run and reflect on all the change that has happened in the past months.
I guess you could say that it was a good run — therapeutic even. I finished off the run with more energy than when I started. I can’t say that that has ever happened before but I sure hope that it happens again.
That sounds wonderful!! A long run with nature, energy and contentment! :)