I found myself on the wrong side of enemy lines with a mother from YaYa’s team. Unable to capture a good picture of the game, I turned my camera to the scoreboard for the daily photo. My action lead to a discussion on blogging. The other mother, whom I am only now getting to know, recently decided to start a blog. Her goal in doing so was to sift through the negative thoughts that have been clouding her world in the past year and find her more positive side.
While the crowd surrounding us made a few not-so-nice comments regarding our team, we talked further on this topic. And the game went on…
The ball was flying through the air, kids were racing up and down the court, and everyone was holding their breath. Time was running out and the score was within a shot of a win (or loss).
In less than a minute we’d know but, until then, we’d continue to hold our enthusiasm in reserve.