Aww! Just look at this little guy. He’s cute, soft, and looks cuddly too. He’s actually a warning signal much like color-coded flag system by American College of Sports Medicine which I first encountered when I ran Grandma’s Marathon.
You see, there is a co-worker at my new company who has a reputation for his tendency towards surprise attacks. On the surface, much like Teddy, he is handsome, well-dressed, and a real charmer. I know. Lately, he’s been spreading it on real thick. He wants to go out to lunch and “catch up.” Unfortunately, he’s not that way with everyone all the time.
Although I have seen the result of his actions, I have yet to witness them first-hand…thankfully. I’ve only been saved from the attacks because I haven’t challenged his opinion or methodology. Also, if you are nice to me, I will be nice to you in turn.
Still, when my colleagues wave the bear, I take the warning seriously, and take precautions. I even evacuate the area if possible.
I don’t know why, but personally I would take that as an opportunity to torture someone who is evil. Women seems to have an advantage over guys despite their place in an organization. Men are weak. Sometimes that can be fun. :D
I agree with Jon, for amusement you could mess with him a little, he’s probably not that smart..
That’s great! Thank god for people who look out for one another!
A Dr. Jekyll-bear and Mr. Hyde-bear? hmmmm…. I would help… but that would interfere with my nefarious plot to take over the world…
Nice of your co-workers to watch out for you.
That guy sounds more like a co-irker than a co-worker.