I managed to escape from work early enough to catch the majority of YaYa’s game. My being there was more to show my support rather than as a valid spectator. While I watched my boy hustle up and down the field, I had no clue as to what was going on. Who knew that flag football would be harder to understand than tackle football.
Following the game was a team gathering at the local pizza parlor. It was a bit of chaos and chatter followed by a very abbreviated awards ceremony.
Three Coach’s Awards were handed out and YaYa nabbed one of them! Better than the trophy was the words his coach said about him. The coach described YaYa as an eager player who asked how he was doing and what he could do better after every set of plays.
I am so glad that I found to be there today. I would not have wanted to have missed this event. My mile repeats, on the other hand, will have to be done tomorrow.
Sorry Coach.
Yeah enjoy that, chasing the kids around to games is the best time of all.
How wonderful for you, your son and the entire team!
Putting first things first… One of the seven habits…