I returned to work on a limited-time basis (6 hours/day) this week. While the days are short, the intensity is routine.
Day 1 was overwhelming in the worst way. Finding myself on the verge of tears during a 1 hour meeting was very discouraging. Although my neck was sore, that wasn’t the cause of my tears. It was, in fact, the amount of progress that occurred in the 1 week I was away. I tried to follow along but was easily lost in the neck pain or simply because the project is moving so rapidly.
Today (Day 2) went much better. I planned ahead, taking my 600 mg dose of Ibuprofen with my 6 am antibiotic dose. My 9 am meeting was a breeze, and my 10:30 was alright. By 1:30 pm, the neck pain was starting up again, but it was already time to wrap up and head out.
Once more, I found myself at Kaiser. This time, I was there to have my leg examined again. Although too slow for my liking, the wound is healing. The gross amount of swelling is what causes me unrest. The doctor, however, was only mildly impressed. She listed off a number of possible reasons for the swelling — some of which I had not thought of — and sent me on my way without any change in plan.
And so, I am left to relax and wait. It’s not easy for a gal like me to sit and do nothing, but at least it’s just for a limited-time. I must be watchful of any signals of movement in the wrong direction, while trying to note the positive changes from day to day.
Get as much rest as you need!
The most striking part is that when I first drop my leg to the floor (from either being in bed or just having it up), I have to let the intense pain subside before I can actually stand or walk. I’d be in serious trouble if there was a fire.
maybe you can take up knitting, then you can teach me.
take your time and get better! Yes, I know you knew that already :-)
wow, that was some serious spill you took. it sounds miserable. hang in there.